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CU Church Blog | Missionary Warrior
3/25 Thursday Fellowship Devotion
Question Response
Question Overview
Tithing has been a thoroughly debated topic over the years in the church. There are many Christians who believe in the principle. Some hear the word "tithing" and immediately believe anyone performing the practice is adhering to an unbiblical command. But what does the Bible say on the matter? This brings us to purpose of the devotional question and response.
What is Tithing?
The tithe was an old testament concept and mandatory offering from the law of Moses. It required
10 percent of an Israelite’s first fruits. Because God provided the harvest, this first part was returned to Him. It was a reminder to Israel that all things we have are His. It was a show of thankfulness for His provision. It also provided for the Levitical priesthood, festivals, and the needy.
Is Tithing required today in the New Testament?
No, it is
a Biblical requirement in the New Testament. After the death of Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law, the New Testament nowhere commands, authorizes or even recommends, that Christians submit to a legalistic tithe system.
What is the biblical standard for Christian giving today?
In the New Testament church today, we are called to give through offering. Offering is about freely giving to the work of the Lord, the local church and ministries.
There are two spiritual components when giving today in the New Testament Church
What is the difference between tithing and offering?
Tithing is an obligatory set amount of giving. Offering is one giving by their means and capability.
Can we model our giving today by the principle of tithing?
Absolutely, There is no standard on how much we can give today. I would encourage that Christians who want to base their offering on mandatory principles that they exceed 10% according to the scriptures if you want it to be Biblical (Matthew 5:20).
Something to ponder and share
No matter whether you adopt the practice of tithing or offering the main thing is to ensure we give with the right motive and attitude. Giving should always originate from the love we have for the Lord and his kingdom.
Some scriptures for reference
Leviticus 27:30; Numbers 18:26; Deuteronomy 14:24; 2 Chronicles 31:5
1 Cor. 16:1-2, 2 Cor. 9:6-7
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Central Union aspires daily to be like the New Testament church that belongs to our Lord Jesus Christ. Our life-giving fellowship is marked by the presence of God, activating us to impact others.